Monday, 19 April 2021

Back to Madingley

It's been a while - not to mention a lockdown - since we last visted Madingley Hall. Monday morning saw us revisiting the place for coffee and cake, mid way round our 24 mile circuit taking in Newton, Haslingfield, Comberton and Grantchester.
Lewis, Brian C, Brian H, Janet, Jenny and Alan at Madingley Hall

24 miles clockwise

Monday, 5 April 2021

Let it snow

The morning may have been chilly, just 3°C with snow flurries and a stiff wind but, being an all-season club, that was no reason to forgo Monday's outing. Admittedly, there were only three riders, but they came from hardy Irish and Yorkshire stock and were all called Brian.

Brian, Brian and Brian - note the snow

It was a repeat of last week's ride only this time we took our refreshments at El Cafecito, just outside Fowlmere. Last time Brian C visited the place, he somehow managed to fall off his bike right outside the front door, though thankfully hurting nothing except his pride. This time there were no such high jinks and we enjoyed some excellent coffee, albeit on an exposed picnic bench, huddled against the wind.

Otherwise, we clocked up 24 miles on a ride notable for wildlife (hares, buzzards and red kites), daffodils (still showing well in Thriplow) and self denial (Brian H turned down a sausage roll!)