Monday, 27 May 2024

Another bank holiday

A pretty good turnout - 10 riders - for another Monday bank holiday. Local roads were thankfully quiet as there was no school-run to contend with. Close to home, we got a soaking in Sawston and Alan nearly fell over wrestling with his overtrousers.

25 miles - 10 riders - coffee at Duxford Community Centre

Monday, 20 May 2024

Girton, Histon & Impington


23 miles - 7 riders - coffee at The Station House, Histon

Monday, 13 May 2024


 After last week's hills, we were glad of an easy ride out to Wimpole and back.

25 miles clockwise

Monday, 6 May 2024

Ups and downs on a bank holiday

Our annual visit to see the bluebells near Littlebury is by far the hilliest ride of the year. With the Shelfords at just 14m above sea level and Littlebury Green topping out at 118m, not to mention all the ups and downs in between, we end up climbing a total of 350m, or just over 1000 ft in old money. All the more reason to enjoy coffee and cake at Compass Courtyard.

Ann and her posse atop Coploe Hill

Wild garlic and bluebells at Howe Wood on the Audley End Estate

Enjoying a cuppa at Compass Courtyard

28 miles clockwise - the little purple blobs indicating the bigger hill climbs