Monday, 14 November 2022

Murky in Milton

A foggy morning saw ten all-weather Spokers heading into town and along the river to Milton Country Park. Riding mostly on cycleways and the Cam towpath we covered the 9 miles to Milton in little over an hour before pulling in for refreshments at the country park café.

Baits Bite Lock
Revived, we set off on the return leg via Cambridge North and Chesterton. It was while crossing Jesus Green, however, that ride leader Brian experienced an involuntary dismount and, much to the alarm of passers by, found himself lying sprawled across the path. Oo-er!

Pride aside, no real harm was done and we resumed the homeward ride, returning to Shelford in time for lunch.

Monday, 31 October 2022

October outings

It's been an unseasonably mild month with bumper turnouts of up to twelve riders.

Pausing for a breather on Garret Hostel Bridge

For the record, October's tally was:

  • five rides . . .
  • clocking up a total of 121 miles . . . 
  • collecting £49 for charity . . .
  • with stops for coffee and cake at:
    • Madingley Hall
    • Histon's Station House
    • Balsham's Old Butchers
    • Kingsway Golf Centre
    • Cambridge Technology Museum

3 October: 26 miles anticlockwise

October 10: 21 miles anticlockwise

October 17: a 24 mile figure of eight

October 24: 26 miles anticlockwise

31 October: 24 miles clockwise

Monday, 26 September 2022

Cresting the hill

What better way to warm up on a chilly Monday morning than by climbing the hill up to Elmdon?

Setting off from Winners: Alan, Ann, Dominic, Graeme, Hilary, Jeremy and two Brians - some eight Spokers in all - paused to admire the view before freewheeling back down to Fowlmere for coffee and cake.

Wot, no shorts?

24 miles clockwise

Monday, 12 September 2022


There are only two National Trust sites within range of our Monday morning outings and - having visited Anglesey Abbey last week - we thought we'd do Wimpole this week.

Taking in the view down The Avenue at Wimpole

Monday also saw the first appearance of Lewis' shiny new e-bike; an impressively sleek model on which he effortlessly crested Chapel Hill leaving the rest of us trailing in his wake.

For the record, the turnout was Alan, Graeme, Hilary, Janet, Jeremy, Lewis and two Brians - and we clocked up 24 miles.

Lewis and his dream machine

Monday, 5 September 2022

Anglesey Abbey

The first Monday of September saw a record turnout - twelve Spokers - head down, bound for Anglesey Abbey and the obligatory stop for coffee and cake.

Pausing for a breather at Great Wilbraham

Along the way Jeremy introduced us to a new off-road, woodland trail around Marleigh - a housing development near the airport - and on the return leg we pulled over at Great Wilbraham for a photo opportunity.

24 miles clockwise

Monday, 29 August 2022

Bourn to be wild

There's twenty-odd cafés within easy cycling range of Shelford - and we've been to most of them. But having only visited The Stove once before, we thought it was high time for a return visit.

Slap bang in the middle of Bourn village, it's a delightful little place with plenty of seating indoor and out. Where better to sip coffee, munch good cake and catch up on everyone's holiday tales.

Refreshed, it was back on the bikes for the 11 mile return trip to Shelford.

For the record the turnout was Lewis, Graeme, Jenny, Jane, Hilary and three Brians. Well done, team!

And for reference, there's a list of all our favourite cafés here.

Bourn and back, 23 miles

Monday, 8 August 2022

Our Place in Space

Monday's ride took us on a 22 mile jaunt around the solar system. Stretching from Midsummer Common along the River Cam to Waterbeach, the Our Place in Space trail features scale models of the sun and planets recreated as art sculptures – an arch housing each planet with its name on an illuminated sign above.

A blue planet on a very brown Midsummer Common

Preparing for take off

Brian showed some reluctance to leave his home planet

Jane & Jim visiting Mars

Chris at Neptune . . .

. . . and Pluto

22 miles with a coffee stop at Waterbeach

Monday, 1 August 2022

A trip to Saturn

Sometimes we end up farther from home than expected. The return leg of Monday's outing to Oakington took us past Saturn where, naturally, we stopped for a photograph.

Jeremy, Hilary, Alan and Brian; way out in the solar system

It was one of the installations along the Our Place in Space art trail that's currently visiting Cambridge. Stretching some five miles along the river from Midsummer Common to Waterbeach, it provides some perspective on our little bit of the cosmos.

Saturn as viewed from the Chisholm Bridge

Back on earth we clocked up 24 miles and enjoyed coffee and cake at the Station House, Histon.

Maybe next week we'll tour the whole solar system.

24 miles (plus a space warp)

Monday, 25 July 2022

Ely by train

There was some consternation at Cambridge Station when the guard said he would only take six bikes. He already had two on board and our lot would bring his total to eight. Oo-er! But Jeremy's gifts of persuasion worked a treat and we were soon on our way to Ely, albeit with a warning not to test the guard's patience again. Our lesson for next time is to catch the more capacious London to Ely train rather than the smaller, more restrictive Cambridge to Ely.

Lewis and Hilary - with Ely Cathedral in the background

Disembarking at Ely we took to the bikes and turned southwards on Sustrans Route 11 which would take us all the way back to Cambridge, mostly on farm tracks and quiet roads.

It may only take sixteen minutes by train but you can imagine it takes a bit longer on two wheels, especially when you haves to hump the bikes up and over the occasional fenland footbridge; but at least it's flat.

Pausing for a breather at Burwell Lode

Along the way we stopped off at Wicken Fen for coffee and cake, returning home in time for a late lunch.

Chief negotiator, Jeremy

25 miles from Ely to Shelford

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

An amphibious outing

Why bother with the bridge when there's a perfectly good ford? So wondered Jeremy and Tom as, to prove the point, they pedalled across the stream not once, but three times while the rest of us looked on from the bridge.

Given the heatwave, Monday's ride was short - just seven miles - and really just an excuse to visit the superb new café at Stapleford Granary.

A shady spot at The Granary

Stapleford - Sawston - Babraham - Stapleford: a short, hot ride of 7 miles

Monday, 11 July 2022

Sculpture trail

Five miles into Monday's ride and Lewis, Jeremy, Tom, Philippe and two Brians were contemplating the new sculpture outside Cambridge Station. Ariadne Wrapped was unveiled only last week by sculptor Gavin Turk and his pal, Al Weiwei, as an exploration of a classical figure that invites the audience inside a larger metaphysical maze. Well, quite.

Ariadne Wrapped

Perplexed, we continued on to the river and followed the towpath to Milton where, over coffee at the country park café, we quizzed Philippe about living in Reunion - and Tom revealed he had visited the Indian Ocean island not once but five times, to compete in the scary sounding Megavalanche race down the mountainside.

Paddleboarders at Milton Country Park

Back on the bikes we headed for Cambridge North Station and our second art installation of the day, Hercules Meets Galatea. Less challenging than Ariadne Unwrapped, Galatea's poise and digital production imply power and perfection over Hercules' somewhat shakier manifestation. We kinda get that one.

Tom and Jeremy admiring Hercules while Galatea in the background looks on

Setting off homewards via the Chisholm Bridge we completed the return leg via Grantchester, Trumpington Meadows and Hauxton, from where we followed Jenny's Path back to Shelford.

We clocked up a total of 21 miles. Well done, team!

Brian and Philippe

21 miles anticlockwise

Monday, 4 July 2022

Madingley Hall

Ten miles in to a twenty three mile outing and it was high time to pull in for refreshment. And there's nowhere more attractive to sip coffee, munch cake and generally put the world to rights than the terrace at Madingley Hall. Its only drawback, magnificent place though it is, it can take the hard-pressed staff half an hour to serve eight coffees.

The terrace at Madingley Hall

The conversation over coffee was wide ranging: Trollope v Dickens, favourite poets*, and was Better Call Saul the best thing ever on Netflix?

Refreshed and back in the saddle, we made the return leg to Shelford via Comberton, Harlton and Haslingfield.

For the record our peloton comprised: Ann, Lewis, Janet, Jenny, Jeremy, Hilary and two Brians.

23 miles anticlockwise from Shelford to Hauxton, Trumpington Meadow, Grantchester, Coton, Madingley, Comberton, Harlton, Haslingfield, Harston and Newton.

*Checkout one of Lewis' favourite poems, The Sunlight on the Garden, by Louis MacNiece

Monday, 27 June 2022

Biking botany

Needing very little excuse to pause while puffing our way up a hill, this time it was Paul's yell of "Knapweed broomrape!" that brought us to a standstill on the - admittedly very gentle - ascent between Shelford and Newton. Dismounting, we gathered around as Paul pointed to a brown spikey plant on the vergeside, explaining that it was a parasitic wildflower. Containing no chlorophyll, it steals its nutrients from the Greater Knapweed host, without which it cannot survive. Fairly common in the dry, calcareous areas near Cambridge, it's often found in road verges, quarries and railways.

Knapweed broomrape

Hilary, Jeremy, Lewis, Paul and Brian had set out earlier on a 23 mile circuit taking in Newton, Thriplow, Fowlmere, Chrishall Grange, Elmdon, Ickleton, Duxford and Whittlesford.

The outing also saw us try out a new coffee stop, Duxford Lodge. Very keen to encourage the cycling trade, they even promised us free cake on our next visit. We shall definitely return there!
