Monday, 10 February 2025

A dry run to Histon

With the Met Office forecasting a 70% chance of rain, little wonder Monday's turnout was low. So it came as a pleasant surprise to stay completely dry for the 24 mile ride across town to Histon and back.

Pulling in for coffee at The Station House we somehow got talking about cathedrals, whereupon Jenny, ever the teacher, set this week's homework: what's the difference between a cathedral and a minster? Answers on a postcard, please.

24 miles anticlockwise

Monday, 3 February 2025

Kingston, Bourn, Toft & Comberton24


24 miles clockwise - 7 riders - coffee at The Stove, Bourn

Monday, 20 January 2025



27 miles - 10 riders - coffee at Northstowe Tap & Social

Monday, 13 January 2025

Meldreth and Melbourn

The first ride of the year was a cold one; barely 2°C as we set off and not much more than that when we got  home. But that didn't deter five hardy Spokers, all well wrapped up against the cold. It's all about layers!

25 miles anticlockwise - 5 riders - coffee at Melbourn Hub