Monday, 26 July 2021

Head for the hills

With an all male turnout - six mature, grizzled types - Monday's ride scored none too highly on diversity and inclusion.

Pausing for a breather atop Coploe Hill

Moreover, compared with recent outings, this one was hot and hilly. Labouring our way up to Littlebury Green, much puffing and panting, not to mention the odd oath, was heard from the rear of the peloton. And there was little in the way of refreshment for the first 20 miles, so it was with relief that our gang of six - some of them looking distinctly pink - pulled in at Duxford Community Centre for coffee and cake.

Refreshed and revived, we made short work of the return leg - thankfully just 5 miles - to Shelford.

Brian promises a flatter ride next week.

25 miles clockwise from Shelford: Newton - Fowlmere - Chrishall Grange - Elmdon - Littlebury Green - Ickleton - Duxford - Whittlesford - Shelford