Monday 10 August 2020

Starting with six - but finishing with four

Monday's outing started with six riders but ended with just four. Alan - with an appointment elsewhere at 10.30 - could only join us for a few miles. Lewis - poor chap - had a bad knee and decided to turn back at Haslingfield. One of BrianH's cycling mates passed us - going the other way - turned around and tagged along for a while. And poor old BrianH himself was suffering from post-weekend heatstroke - but somehow managed to keep going to the bitter end.

The final four - Brian, Brian, Chris and Phil - pausing for a breather at Kingston

At the finish, it was just Chris, Phil and two Brians. We had clocked up 23 miles visiting Harston, Haslingfield, Harlton, the Eversdens, Kingston, Toft, Comberton and Barton. As ever, the highlight was coffee and cake, this time at Burwash Manor where the cherry galette is highly recommended.

23 miles clockwise from Great Shelford