Monday, 17 August 2020

Willingham Auctions

A fine Monday morning saw Jenny, Jeremy, Phil and three Brians pedalling to Cambridge along the DNA cycleway. Crossing the city via quiet backstreets and picking up the guided busway near the Science Park, we headed out towards Histon and on to Willingham, where we pulled in at the Auction Rooms for refreshment.
Coffee at Willingham Auction Rooms

This being an August Monday, Rishi Sunak's Eat Out to Help Out lark meant we got coffee and a stonking great slice of Victoria sponge for just £3; thank you, Rishi. And Brian H called up an ex-colleague and cricketing mate - Alan, who lives in Willingham - inviting him to join us for coffee.

Back on the bikes, we wound our way south through Longstanton, Oakington and Girton - and thence back to Shelford via Grantchester and Trumpington.

A tad longer than our usual Monday outing, we clocked up 30 miles, arriving back in the village just before a downpour. Alas, poor Yorkie Brian still had 3 miles to go to Sawston and got a good soaking. 

30 miles anticlockwise